German court approves access to suicide drugs.

Alex Schadenberg International Chair - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

I have sad news. Yesterday Germany's federal court decided that "in extreme circumstances" the refusal of a suicide drug is illegal.

According to a DW news story:

The purchase of deadly drugs in Germany is forbidden, but the court found that the right of self-determination meant there should be exceptions for extreme cases "if, because of their intolerable life situation, they had freely and seriously decided to end their lives" and if there were no palliative-medical alternatives.

The German Foundation for the Protection of Patients opposed the decision. DW news reported:

The German Foundation for the Protection of Patients said the judgment was "a blow to the cause of suicide prevention in Germany". Board member Eugen Brysch said the definition of "what an intolerable condition of suffering is remains open." Suffering is "neither objectively measurable nor legally universally defined."

Germany's federal court has opened the door to the legalization of assisted suicide. It is very sad how we forget our history and once again give legal power to allow one person to be involved with causing the death of others.

In November 2015 the German Bundestag passed a law prohibiting the commercialization of assisted suicide. On January 27, 2017, the German Bundestag honoured the victims of the German euthanasia program.