Parnell Bill Defeated

Last evening (24th November) the South Australian Parliament's upper house debated the latest euthanasia bill from Greens MLC, Mark Parnell. At the State Election in March of this year changes in personnel in the upper house appeared to have turned that chamber decidedly pro-euthanasia.  However, last night common sense prevailed yet again as the bill was defeated at the second reading 'on the voices'.Mr. Parnell did not call for a recording of the votes.  However, from the speeches given, it was clear that the chamber was split 12 to 9 against the bill or possibly 13 to 8 at best.

Numerous are the interventions that take place during the intense lobbying period in the lead up to any vote.  It's not always clear what particular intervention had the greatest effect.  Of course, every event, letter or phone call adds to the whole.  What I can say, quite clearly from some comments made by members of parliament, is that the work of HOPE in this campaign made a significant difference.

The network we're building and the lobbying strategies we employ clearly work.  Building a standing network across the nation focused solely on defeating euthanasia where ever and whenever it appears is crucial to maintaining the status quo.  There are now three bills in the SA lower house in addition to the Brown Federal Bill; another in NSW and others rumoured.

Please, if you can do two things this week: tell all your friends about HOPE and, if possible, make a donation so that HOPE can keep developing and keep reaching into the debates with the voice of reason and common sense.